I haven't missed an Opening Day since I was like 18. I didn't even miss last year when I was pregnant. See?
Side Note #1: That's a Busch N.A. in my hand. A FAKE beer. I was preggers, silly!
Side Note #2: When tagging this post, I realized I already had a 'Cards' label saved...so if you'd like to read more about my Pregnant Party last year..you can read it in my April 13th, 2010 post. Since I can't link to anything, I have to direct you that way.
Side Note #2a SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME link to things. I see the 'insert link' button...but it doesn't put it in my blog! :(
Side Note #3 On the topic of my fun shirt~that child was/is sure to be a fan for life. At 7 weeks old we took him to a game. Let me repeat. S.e.v.e.n. W.e.e.k.s O.l.d. *See photo op below* We did this b/c we had the good fortune of having a Suite to sit in, without having to bother with the elements, or crowded seats. Little Lucky Duck!~~speaking of which, his second game that he will attend before he is ONE is mid-April..and we have Redbird Club tickets for that.~~ Suite and Club tickets?!?!...eh, I don't think you can be spoiled when it comes to sports.
For those wondering about the baby and today--we are having a "Date-Day", and P.J. will be spending the day with his grand-parents.
So anyway...back to the tradition part of this whole blog. I haven't missed one Opening Day since highschool---and my husband and I haven't missed one since we started dating in 2006.....ya know, (or maybe you don't) the year The Redbirds won the World Series!! So, needless to say-we are pumped for this party. A tradition that we've vowed to never miss. Rain or Shine (which are both in the forecast!)
I'll post some pics from the craziness that is sure to exist a tad later.
And Ya, it's THAT important for us to be amongst the sea of Red and White. To party with the diehards. To just be.
Where will you be?